(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
The GEASUPER BALANCE VERTIGOMED Posturographic platform represents the most evolved and technologically advanced product in the field of Static Posturography.
Its simplicity of use, essential design and management software are the synthesis of our design and development ability.
With simple steps, the professional can perform a complete balance test (Test of Balance) in less than five minutes, objectifying the patient's postural state.
Posturography literally means graphic representation of posture.
The V-CAPTURE program records and calculates quantitative COP parameters and graphically displays their trend over time.
Both analysis techniques (graphic and numerical) are useful in identifying postural attitudes typical of a pathology.
- Statokinesiograma SSKG [mm^2] : The area within which the projection of the center of gravity on the ground moves, relative to the X and Y axes. In this way it is possible to calculate the surface values (S), measured by calculating the area of the confidence ellipse within which 90% of the points recorded during the test are located (Ellipse drawn in black).
- LSKG stabilogram [mm] : The displacement of the center of gravity as a function of time, displaying the X component (oscillations on the lateral plane) and the Y component (oscillations on the sagittal plane) separately. Conceptually it expresses the unwinding of the ball of yarn over time.
- Module of the stabilogram [mm] expresses the distance traveled at each sampling instant (Gomitolo graph).
- Frequency spectrum of oscillations: The graph in the frequency domain obtained mathematically using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). It is obtained from the previously processed ball of yarn. As can be seen from the graph: frequency components, the greatest amplitudes in non-pathological patients are between 0 and 0.5 Hz. The typical oscillation is at 0.2Hz. Frequency analysis using FFT graphs the energy for each fundamental oscillation (or frequency band) of the stabilogram.
From the processing of these parameters it is possible to obtain information relating to the postural attitude of the patient examined.
In particular, a stabilometric Romberg quotient can be calculated from the ratio of the surface or length values of the statokinesiogram with eyes closed/open.
- Romberg Quotient: SKG Surface with Eyes Closed / SKG Surface with Eyes Open x 100 for each of the interference tests.
- Length / Surface Area (LSF): Ratio between the SKG length and the SKG surface area; Provides an assessment of the energy expended to maintain postural balance.
- CP Percentage postural load right / left and antero-posterior, expresses the postural symmetry of the patient.
The main function of a static posturographic system is to analyze the strategy used by the subject to maintain static stability in an upright position. The second use is to quantify the contribution of the various components of the postural system through so-called sensitizing tests, which they modify the basic condition through visual, proprioceptive, vestibular stimulation or suppression ecc.Esempi of SENSITIZED TEST conditions:
- Retroflection of the head (Cervical Interference).
- Support on soft bases (Reduction of plantar proprioception).
- Proprioceptive insoles (Increased plantar proprioception).
- Swallowing, Occlusal release with cotton, Bite (Occlusion, TMJ).
- Stabilized Vision / Suppressed Vision (Contribution of visual input).
The test protocol can be parameterised based on the group of tests, so that the transition from one test to another is automatic. The position of the feet on the support base can be archived. The limits of static posturography as a single examination in itself are overcome by simple interventions on the patient's sensorial perception.
Dental occlusion plays a fundamental role in correct body posture. Postural disorders of stomatognathic origin can present various symptoms. If the clinical procedure suggests a mandibular dislocation in habitual occlusion, causing gnathic-postural disorders, it is necessary to rehabilitate the patient as quickly as possible.
User manual
CD with software installation: V-CAPTURE, V-ELLIPSE, BIOFEEDBACK.